Some people may relapse, or drink alcohol again, to relieve the symptoms. If you have questions about alcohol withdrawal treatment or home detox, call The Recovery Village to speak with a representative about how professional treatment can help you. Many people attempt to self-detox at some point, and it’s often a string of failed attempts of self-detoxing that lead an individual to enter rehab in the first place. That’s not to say, however, that people haven’t successfully self-detoxed from alcohol on their own.

Optimizing the Alcohol Taper Schedule for Safe Withdrawal

A taper might be helpful for those who find they cannot stop drinking without experiencing negative symptoms. You may be at risk for symptoms of alcohol withdrawal if you stop drinking suddenly. If you are at risk, you will likely need to be under medical care while you stop drinking. Quitting alcohol can be extremely hard, especially without medical support.

  • The consequences of quitting alcohol cold turkey can be serious and lead to alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which can be fatal in severe cases.
  • This can cause seizures and delirium tremens, a severe form of withdrawal marked by tremors and hallucinations.
  • With these things in mind, you need to weigh the pros and cons of tapering your alcohol use—ideally with someone you trust—to make a fully informed decision.
  • However, medically supervised detox and professional rehab are more likely to help you maintain long-term sobriety.
  • Laying it all out in black and white can take time and some serious self-examination.
  • If you turn to alcohol to manage emotional distress, the added overwhelm can prompt the urge to drink, making success seem even more out of reach.
  • Educate your loved ones on dangerous symptoms, too, so they can look out for you and get you medical attention if you need it.

Is it Better to Taper Off Alcohol or Quit “Cold Turkey?”

Alcohol tapering, the gradual reduction of alcohol intake, presents several challenges, each requiring strategic solutions to ensure a safe and successful journey towards sobriety. One of the primary challenges is managing withdrawal symptoms, which can range from mild discomfort to severe health risks. Monitoring these symptoms closely and adjusting the tapering schedule is crucial. Consistency is key, as erratic reductions can exacerbate withdrawal symptoms and derail progress.

how to taper off alcohol at home

Consider professional support

  • Adjusting the taper schedule may be required based on the individual’s response to the tapering process.
  • How triggers make you crave drugs or alcohol and how you can start to avoid them.
  • In turn, you can suffer from increasingly severe withdrawal symptoms every time you try to stop drinking.

Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep can help reduce some withdrawal symptoms, such as mood swings. If don’t have much of an appetite, you may want to take a multivitamin or drink a beverage high in electrolytes, such as a sports drink. If you take prescription medication, continue to take it as directed. If you need help figuring out how to taper off alcohol, or want to find alcohol detox services near you, our treatment specialists at Vertava Health can help.

What happens to your body when you stop drinking?

Quitting abruptly can be dangerous without medical supervision due to potential withdrawal symptoms. Gradually decreasing alcohol intake through supervised tapering can make quitting safer and ease withdrawal severity. Alcohol detox can be a dangerous process, which is why it’s typically best handled by a medical professional at a detox or rehab center. Alcohol detoxification involves withdrawal, and withdrawal involves physical symptoms.

how to taper off alcohol at home

The alcohol withdrawal symptom delirium tremens (DT) is estimated to kill up to 5% of those attempting to quit suddenly after chronic usage. This is a staggering number considering that many other drugs do not even have the possibility of lethal withdrawals. For this reason, experts advise that alcohol cessation be monitored safely with steady effort between oneself and a physician. Dr. Streem says that if your goal is to stop drinking altogether, you’re more likely to have success quitting all at once, rather than weaning off alcohol. But that advice changes if you’re living with alcohol use disorder.

  • If you taper off alcohol slowly or with medical supervision, the brain has time to adapt without causing severe side effects.
  • It also lets you start working new habits and routines into your day to replace drinking, starting the transition.
  • You may be able to detox at home and still attend outpatient therapy or support group meetings.
  • It’s always best to speak with a healthcare provider when changing your relationship with alcohol.
  • When an individual has developed a substance use disorder or dependence on alcohol, stopping its use outright can seem virtually impossible.